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If you have an interest in a topic, discipline or professional direction, a great step to learn more about this area beyond the classroom, is to attend research and scholarly conferences.
Research & Scholarly Conferences 101: What types of conference there are?, what can you do at conferences?; How can students attend?
What To Do At A Conference: advice for student presenters and attendees
What To Do At A Conference: advice for student presenters and attendees
Presenting Research at Any Stage: Advice on presentation content & organization
Presenting Research at Any Stage: Advice on presentation content & organization
Collaborative & Conversational Symposium Presentations: Creating a Round Table Presentation
Collaborative & Conversational Symposium Presentations: Creating a Round Table Presentation
<aside> 💡 Looking for some RU examples of research presentations?: Visit the Roosevelt Student Research Symposium Spring 2022, Spring 2021 & Spring 2020 oral & performance studies presentation pages.
<aside> 💡 Poster is a visual communication tool and can be used to engage in conversations with those who are interested in learning about your project. The poster is essentially a snapshot of your project, thus it is pivotal to organize the information in a way that makes it easy to get the point across to observers.
There are two parts to creating a poster presentation: (1) selecting the content and designing the poster itself and (2) discussing your poster with visitors at poster sessions.
George Hess @ NC State University with Kathryn Tosney & Leon Liegel (c) 2022
The following link is a great resource for students who are preparing for academic poster presentations. It discusses what information to include, how to organize your poster, tips for presenting and managing the visitors as well as examples and other resources.
Creating Effective Poster Presentations Page
<aside> 💡 Additional tips:
Making a better research poster
Hess, GR, L Liegel, & K Tosney. 2022. Creating Effective Poster Presentations. URL=